Game of Thrones fanon Wiki

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Game of Thrones fanon Wiki

Aaliyah-Original Aaliyah-Original 5 October 2024

Writers Block....

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Toothless649 Toothless649 5 July 2024

Robert's Rebellion

Robert's Rebellion is a series that aired on HBO from December 10th, 2028 to Febuary 11th, 2029. It consists of 10 episodes, and focuses on the events of Robert's Rebellion, a major event in Westerosi history.

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My Global Council of Planetos

My vision of the Global Council of Planetos is formed by the next nations with their respectives capitals and majors cities but for some nations, i haven't any cities names.

  • Targaryen Empire of Essos
    • Meereen ( Capital )
    • Dragonstone ( Sacred Fortress of the Dragons and the House Targaryen )
    • Yunkaï
    • Astapor
    • Volantis
    • Pentos
    • Qarth
    • Vaes-Dothrak
  • Great Kingdom of Narnia
    • Cair Paravel ( Ancestral Capital )
    • Telmar ( Second major capital )
  • Kingdom of Camelot and the United-Realms of Albion
    • Camelot ( Capital )
  • United-Realm of Gondor and Arnor
    • Minas-Thirith ( Capital )
  • Elvish-Realms Alliance of Middle-earth
    • Rivendell ( Capital )
  • Kingdom of Valinor
  • Yi-Ti Empire
    • Yi-Ti ( Capital )
  • 6 Kingdoms of Westeros
    • King's Landing ( Capital )
    • Oldtown
    • Lannisport
  • Kingdom of the North
    • Winterfell ( …
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Playz10011 Playz10011 19 April 2024

Random GoT characters

These characters are pure fictional and are not apart of the Game of Thrones show. I have not watched GoT but I am kinda interested. And since I have no story for these characters, I'm replacing it with Lorem ipsum text. Also, I'm not sure how much stuff works in GoT, so I'm not sure most stuff will make sense (I don't know though, just saying in advance). I'm just making the infobox, name, and appearances because these are just random, I ain't gonna make lore for random characters I'm making for fun.

  • 1 House Lannister
  • 2 Clarik Lannister
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Chester Lannister
    • 3.1 Appearances
    • 3.2 Random
  • 4 Trevas Hightower
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Alavin Royce
    • 5.1 Appearances

Sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque habitant m…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 19 April 2024

Shadows of Westeros: A Tale of Ice and Fire

In "Shadows of Westeros: A Tale of Ice and Fire," the Seven Kingdoms are plunged into darkness as shadows of old conflicts loom large over the realm. As winter descends and the threat of the White Walkers rises once more, ancient alliances are tested, and new heroes emerge from the shadows to confront the looming threat. Amidst political intrigue, epic battles, and the struggle for power, the fate of Westeros hangs precariously in the balance. This fanfic weaves together the intertwined destinies of beloved characters as they navigate the treacherous landscape of power and magic in a world where shadows hold secrets and darkness hides both danger and salvation.

Arren Lannister, a 22-year-old squire who is training with Orwen Lannister, one …

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Black Sharks Black Sharks 18 March 2024

The Future Monarchs of the Iceverse

This is a experimental blog in wich I list the future monarchs of the three nations of in the Iceverse, although this is not headcanon, being only a prediction or a what if fanon scenario.

  • Bran Stark (316 AC-396 AC): The first monarch of the Six Kingdoms, who lead the nation during the decisive War of the Stars. He died in the Raven Keep at the age of 108 years, after 80 years of reign, being the most longest monarch in the history of Westeros, as well as one of the most efficient monarchs in the history of the continent and the first king to sit in the Southern Throne.
  • Rickon Stark Jr. (396 AC-400 AC): The first son and child of Bran Stark and Meera Reed, choosen to be the succesor of his father in the Great Council of the 396 AC. In large p…

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ArchmaesterI ArchmaesterI 28 February 2023

Westeros After Bran I The Broken

After the coronation of Bran, King of the Six Kingdoms and protector of the realm (after the North separated as an independent kingdom under the rule of his sister, Sansa), Westeros was no different than it was before Bran's coronation after all the extraordinary events that occurred, similar events occurred later in terms of wars, plots and assassinations that occur It has always been in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. Of course, it also resulted in interesting and unique characters

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DeadlyMaelstrom DeadlyMaelstrom 11 February 2022

Updating a Template

Been lurking around lately and was wondering if anyone has any idea on how to update Template:GOTCharacter to mirror the main Game of Thrones fandom's character template? Normally I'd try to understand how the process works, but with admin's advice and others I can't even begin to process this.

Info found on the main link:

Example of how they'd look like afterwards:

Any advice on how this can be done properly?

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Gabby Rickman Gabby Rickman 11 August 2021

Henry Reyne

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 History
    • 2.1 Early life
    • 2.2 Season 1





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OriginalOldOne OriginalOldOne 30 January 2021

How to change a page's title

Does anyone know how I can change a page's name? Before the update of the fandom, I could easily do so, but now i can't find out how to do so. And not just the display title.

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Ragnockae136 Ragnockae136 2 August 2020


I Have A Specific Writing Quirk In That My OCD and Various Mental Faculties Compel Me To Capitalise Nearly One Hundred Percent Of The Words I Type Or Write, So Please Don't Comment On It

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OriginalOldOne OriginalOldOne 10 July 2020

Fanfiction writer

Hi guys,

I am fanfiction writer under the pseud Not_So_Dark_One at AO3. Just wanted to let you know that my articles here may well become full fledged fanfiction stories one day. If you feel like commenting on them in the comment section - do so, it will be appreciated. 

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Garnet von Schweetz Garnet von Schweetz 10 July 2020

Game of Thrones Fanon Discord

Everyone across westeros, i'm here to officially announced the unofficial discord for the Game of Thrones fans here! where we can chat, discuss, theorize, gossip and enjoy when we want to.

Lord Schweetz

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Pinkrewop Pinkrewop 27 October 2019

Lyanna Stark


La Reina, Lyanna Stark, conocida como "La Dama Lobo", es la Reina en el Norte ,Guardiana en el Norte, cabeza de la Casa Stark y señora de Roca Casterly, era la primogenita de Lord Eddard Stark y su esposa, Lady Catelyn. Es la hermana mayor de Sansa, Arya y Bran Stark, prima (se cree que era medio hermana) de Jon Nieve y era hermana mayor de Robb y Rickon Stark. También adoptó una loba huargo a la que llamó Ventisca. Lyanna fue declarada Reina en el Norte luego de la Batalla de los Bastardos, aún llevando el apellido Lannister por matrimonio.

[ ocultar ]

  1. Biografía
    1. Antecedentes
    2. Temporada 1
    3. Temporada …

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 11

Young Lillith Brimstone, who is in neither world, and as punishment for assisting a Warlock prior to the Doom Of Valaeryia, casting an ultimate spell of power, (to which most of the inhabitants of Planet Valaryia believe, they are being punished for the outcries of slavery by Valaerians and Targaryens, and for the spell attempted by a dark warlock) Lillith was taken by the gods fo Fire & Ice, and neither went to the seven hells nor to the Spirit World (A Targaryen & Valaeryian version of Heaven and paradise). She is sentenced to be the Gate Keeper to all those who are sent beyond to eternal torment in 1 of many seven hells.

However, she is released by one of the gods, to redeem herself. To do this, she must be willing to guard, and protect …

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 10

Prince Aegon V Targaryen; son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen-DECEASED, and Princess Elia Martell-DECEASED. His sister was Princess Rhaenra Targaryen-DECEASED. He survived the evil slaughter of his royal family by Ser Gregor Clegane of Housse Clegane & Ser Armory Lorch of House Manticore, who followed the orders of Lord Tywin Lannister to infiltrate the Red Keep at Kingslanding.

Lord Varys, aka The Spider, secretly snuck out Prince Aegon V Targaryen and put a common born child, of a commoner, in his place. He not only paid the blood debt to the common born mother of the common born babe, but then paid her a handsome compensation to flee to Essos, withthe hired body guards of the sellswords, of the Golden Company. there, she could take refuge at…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 9

Prince Simeon Blackfyre, is the only son of Queen Rose Blackfyre nee' Storm (Baratheon), and 2nd born sonn of King Evenstar Blackfyre. His Step-Mother, is Queen Ravenfyre (Evon) Blackfyre; and has 1 Half-Brother, Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre, and 3 Half-Sisters; Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre, Princess Naerys Blackfyre, and Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

He takes note of Princess Lillyblood blackfyre, and sees her as being too EMO. But atthe same time, finds her attractive. He wishes he was her age, of 16, s he is only 13 going on 14.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 8

Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre, is the youngest daughter of King Evenstar & Queen Ravenfyre (Evon) Blackfyre. Her eldest sister is the first born, Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre-Heir to the Golden Dragon Throne, and the 3rd born-2nd sister, Princess Naerys Blackfyre. He eldest only brother, she thinks is a bit wierd and strange, with a temper, against those who betray, breach agreements, and cross their paths with injustice, and act unruly to his family, and mistreat bastard born children of their world. Prince Bloodwolf, is a skilled swordsman, and is Lord Commander of the Golden Dragon Legion. But he has seldom time to spend with her, and they merely spend time in conversation, unless at a ffeast, celebration, or some other event.

Princess Lil…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 7

Lord Ederic Storm-Bastard Born Of House Baratheon, and the former King Robert I Baratheon. He is the Son-In-Law to King Evenstar Blackfyre, and Queen Ravenfyre (Evon) Blackfyre. His Brother-In-Law is Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre-LC of The Golden Dragon Legion; and his Sister-In-Laws, is Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre-Heir tot he Golden Dragon Throne, Princess & Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

His Half-Brother-In-Law is the young Prince Simeon Blackfyre. With a contract agreement to swapp places withthe surviving true heir to the Iron Throne Of Swords, for the Realm Of The Kingdoms, Prince Aegon V Targaryen (surviving son of Princce Rhaegar & princess Elia Martell, and having survived the evil on-slaught of the attempt on his life thanks to Lord Va…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 6

Princess Naerys Blackfyre, is the 2nd born daughter of King Evenstar & Queen Ravenfyre (Evon) blackfyre. She has an older sister, Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre-Heir to the Golden Dragon Throne, and elder brother, Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre-LC of the Golden Dragon Legion. Her younger sister, Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre, is an EMO.

Princess Naerys Blackfyre has a Step-Mother, Queen Rose Blackfyre nee' Storm (Baratheon), and a Half-Brother, Prince Simeon Blackfyre. She is betrothed to Lord ederic Storm-bastard born of House Baratheon, and the former King Robert I Baratheon.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 5

Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre, is the 1st born son of King Evenstar Blackfyre & Queen Ravenfyre (Evon) blackfyre. He has an older sister, Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre-heir to the Golden Dragon Throne; and 2 younger sisters, Princess Naerys Blackfyre & Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

Prince Bloodwolf blackfyre, also has a Brother-In-Law, Lord Ederic Storm~Bastard born of House Baratheon, of former King Robert I Baratheon.

He also has a Step-Mother, Queen & 2nd wife, to his father-King Evanstar Blackfyre, and a Half-Brother, Prince Simeon Blackfyre. He is the Lord Commander of the Golden Dragon Legion.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 4

Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre, is the 1st born daughter of King Evenstar blackfyre, & Queen (Evon) Ravvenfyre Blackfyre,  and rightful heir to House Of Golden Dragon. she has a younger brother, Prince Bloodwolf blackfyre,  and 2 younger sisters, Princess naerys Blackfyre and Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre also has a Step-Mother, Queen Rose Blackfyre nee' Storm (Baratheon), and a half-brother, Prince Simeon Blackfyre. She also has a Brother-In-Law, Lord Ederic Storm~Bastard born of former King Robert I Baratheon, who is married to her younger sister, Princess Naerys Blackfyre.

In the event of her Immediate mothers death, or her fathers death, she has first rightful claim to the Throne of Golden Dragon; of House Of Gold…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 3

Queen Rose Blackfyre nee' Baratheon, is the daughter of a baseborn Baratheon; 1 of many bastards born of the former King Robert I Baratheon. She is the 2nd wife to King Evanstar Blackfyre & sister-wife to Queen, Cousin, and 1st wife, Queen Revenfyre Blackfyre (aka Evon Blackfyre).

Queen Rose Blackfyre, is a step-mother to Queen Ravenfyre's children; Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre, Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre, Princess Naerys Blackfyre, and Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre. She is also the mother to Prince Simeon Blackfyre.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 2

Queen Ravenfyre- (aka Eyvon Blackfyre) is the wife and queen, and cousin to King Evenstar Blackfyre. They have 4 children together; Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre, Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre, Princess Naerys Blackfyre, and Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

She is also a step-mother to Prince Simeon Blackfyre, who is the son to her sister-wife, Queen Rose blackfyre nee' Baratheon; a bastard born daughter of a Baratheon base Born Daughter who fled King Joffreys bastrd born Killing Spree in Kingslanding.

They share their husband in intimate times. They gave refuge to Ederic Storm, bastard born of many, from former King Robert I Baratheon, who is married to Queen Ravenfyre's 3rd child-2nd daughter. Ederic Storm is a son-in-law to Queen Ravenfyre and Ki…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 15 April 2019

Golden Dragon House Members-Part 1

At present, there is a King and Queen in The House Of Golden Dragon. King Evenstar Blackfyre, is a descendant of survivors, who chose exile to Essos, rather than be exterminated to non-existance. He is married to 2 wives, who are sister-wives, and queens of House Golden Dragon. The 2 Queens rule different parsects of the self-made kingdom, while the King has final ruling of its lands as an entirety.

With his first wife and queen, Queen Ravenfyre- (aka Eyvon Blackfyre), they have 4 children together; Princess Rhaenra Blackfyre, Prince Bloodwolf Blackfyre, Princess Naerys Blackfyre, and Princess Lillyblood Blackfyre.

With his 2nd wife, sister-wife to the first, Queen Rose blackfyre nee' Baratheon, they have 1 son together; Prince Simeon Blackf…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 14 April 2019

House Of Golden Dragon

Housse Of Golden Dragon, was formed long ago, after House Blackfyre had repeatedly lost the wars 4-5 times in a row. While most of Westeros thaought they were extinct, they chose exile and snuck out secretly to Essos, somewhere in between Lys and Myr. Through much hardship, a new castle was formed by those who chose them as protectors. Long story short, (and some marriages along the way) the Blackfyre surviving family members, decided to rename their house, so not to draw attention to themselves. Thus, House Blckfyre, became known then at the time of Aerys II Targaryen, as House Of Golden Dragon. Symbolically, because they entered in to a new dawn of age, for surviving their great shame of being bastard born as a result of former King Aego…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 14 April 2019

Truth Be Told-Janna Tyrell

Born-249AC: Lady Janna Fossoway is the wife of Ser Jon Fossoway.[1] She was born into House Tyrell and is the sister of Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden.[1]

Janna is buxom[2] and enjoys gossip.[3]

~WIKI of Fire & Ice

She is actually married to Ser Jon Fossaway Of New Barrel.

Ser Jon Fossoway is the Knight of New Barrel and head of the green-apple Fossoways. He is married to Janna Tyrell, the sister of Lord Mace Tyrell.

Jon is described as genial.[1]

~WIKI of Fire & Ice

So here is another conflict that needs to be straightened out, Did her first husband dieof spring sickness or in a battle? if so, then it would make sense if she remarried a Baratheon.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 14 April 2019

Mace Tyrells 2nd Wife


Currently there is no story yet, as to how Lord Mace Tyrell, ended up with a wife, by the name of Angelina Tyrell. Nor is it disclosed yet, as to what her maiden name is of what other House. And it doesnt state, what happened to Lord Mace Tyrells 1st wife. However, it is hoped,that the editor of Mace Tyrell, will fill this blank for us. Until then, this is my contributed vision, of Lord Mace Tyrells 2n wife, Angelina Tyrell.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 14 April 2019

Mace Tyrells 1st Wife

Born-260AC: Lady Alerie Hightower is the daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown, and the spouse of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden. She is the mother of his four children, Willas, Garlan, Loras, and Margaery.

Alerie is tall, dignified, and handsome, with long silver hair.[3][4] She is younger than her husband.[5]

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 14 April 2019

Truth Be Told~Mace Tyrell

To the editor of Lord Mace Tyrell; we have some conflicting information, as to who his wife is. OR, we could say, he remarried, but then we have to explain how his orriginal wife, Lady Alerie Hightower-Born in 260AC, had passed on or died.

Lady Alerie Hightower is the daughter of Lord Leyton Hightower of Oldtown, and the spouse of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden. She is the mother of his four children, Willas, Garlan, Loras, and Margaery.

Alerie is tall, dignified, and handsome, with long silver hair.[3][4] She is younger than her husband.[5]

~WIKI of Fire & Ice

So if his wife now, is Angelina Tyrell, then that means he remarried...Yet, something else tthat GOT Fans may not know. He died in the Wildfyre explosion that destroyed the Great Sept Of B…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 9 April 2019

Bastard Half-Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 2

297AC-Lord Walder Frey has another wild affair with an unknown woman.

Ryger Rivers is a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey. His mother was a peasant who milked goats.[1]. In the TV series he is played by Bryan McCaugherty.[2]

At least HBO got this one right. So there is nothing more that can be said about him. Yet, he is a Half-Brother-In-Law to Castifer Stark.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 9 April 2019

Bastard Half-Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 1

277AC-Walder Rivers is born to Unknkown Woman and Lord Walder of House Frey

Walder Rivers:

The Unknown Woman, a BBW-Wetnurse of Middleberry, who is working to save enough to file her rightful claim to that ancient house, bears Lord Walder Frey a bastard born son. Her name is still kept a secret on the Geneological Records, under a sworn oath made by Lord Walder Frey, of The Crossing, for House Frey.

Ser Walder Rivers, also known as Bastard Walder, is a knight and the eldest of Lord Walder Frey's bastards.[1] He is married to a lady of House Charlton and has two children, Walda and Aemon. Walder's personal coat of arms is a silver-grey castle on blue (the colors of House Frey reversed) beneath a red bend sinister.[1][2] Tim Plester portrays "Bla…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 11

Lady Tytania Frey is the 5th daughter of Lord Walder Frey & Scarlett, his last wife. Theoretically, after her death, Lady Tytania Frey along with her elder sisters, grew up without their mother. It was a short time later, that their father, Lord Walder Frey was killed by Arya Stark, under the skiled disquise, as a follower of The Many Face God.

Since the editor here has already covered her story, we wont re-ederit this. But, it should be noted, that after her marriage to her husband, Lord Castifer Stark; 2nd King Of The North; she became a queen by marriage to astifer Stark.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 10

Waldra Frey, is the 3rd Daughter Of Scarlett & Lord Frey. She is also the Sister-In-Law to Castifer Stark. There is no further information about her, at this point.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 9

Sister-In-Law: Shirei Frey:

Shirei Frey is the seventh daughter of Lord Walder Frey, the second born daughter of his seventh spouse, Lady Annara Farring.[2] However according to Merrett Frey, Black Walder Frey was rumored to be sleeping with Lady Annara casting doubts on the parentage of her children. Shirei is the youngest daughter of Lord Walder Frey.

This means, she was born in 294AC, before or during the time Perra Royce died. Shirei Frey has 5 elder brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his current living 7th wife, Annara Farring. However, since the rumors couldn’t be proven, it was so documented as with her elder brothers, that Lord Walder Frey and Annara Farring, are her true parents.

Shirei Frey has 4 Half-Brothers (1 …

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 8

Roslin Frey is the fifth daughter of Lord Walder Frey, head of House Frey. Her mother was Bethany Rosby, the sixth wife of Walder Frey, being the only daughter born of that marriage. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones she is played by Alexandra Dowling.[2 (Sometimes, she is called Rosi for short)]

Roslin is small. She has very white skin, a pretty face with a small chin, delicate nose, and big brown eyes. Between her teeth she has a small gap. Her hair is brown and reaches her waist.[3]
Catelyn Tully worries whether Roslin would be healthy enough to bear children as people from Rosby stock are not known for their robustness, but she is reassured by Maester Brenett.[3] According to Lothar Frey, Roslin has a gentle nature and a talen…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 7

Sister-In-Law: Tyta Frey:

Tyta Frey, better known as Tyta the Maid is the fourth daughter of Lord Walder Frey, the second daughter born of his marriage to Alyssa Blackwood. She is supposedly still a maid.[2]

Tyta Frey has an elder sister, Morya Frey, and 3 elder brothers, by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood. Tyta Frey also has 6 Half-Brothers (3 of whom died mysteriously) and a Half-Sister, Lythene Frey, by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 3rd wife, Ameri Crakehall. And she has 2 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 2nd wife, Cyrenna Swann. And Tyta Frey has 3 Half-Brothers (one whom is deceased), and a Half-Sister, Perriane Frey, by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 1st wife, Perra Royce.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 6

Sister-In-Law: Morya Frey:

Morya Frey is the third daughter of Lord Walder Frey, first daughter born of his marriage to Alyssa Blackwood. She is married to Ser Flement Brax. They have three children, Robert, Walder and Jon Brax.[2]

Morya Frey has 3 elder brothers & 1 younger sister. Morya Frey also has 6 Half-Brothers (3 of whom died mysteriously) and a Half-Sister, Lythene Frey, by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 3rd wife, Ameri Crakehall. And she has 2 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 2nd wife, Cyrenna Swann. And Morya Frey has 3 Half-Brothers (one whom is deceased), and a Half-Sister, Perriane Frey, by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 1st wife, Perra Royce.

Her mother was Alyssa Blackwood, who died in 273AC.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 5

Sister-In-Law: Lythene Frey:

Lythene Frey is the second daughter of Lord Walder Frey. She was the first daughter born between the marriage of Walder Frey and Amarei Crakehall. She is the wife of Lord Lucias Vypren. They have two children.[2]

Lythene Frey has an elder brother; Hosteen Frey, and younger brothers; Symond Frey (whom died in 300AC), Danwell Frey, Merrett Frey (whom died in 300AC), Geremy Frey (whom died in 293AC), & Raymund Frey. Lythene has a half-sister, Perriane Frey, and 3 elder brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his deceased 1st wife, Perra Royce.

Her mother was Ameri Crakehall, whom died in 264AC.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 4

Sister-in-Law: Derwa Frey

Derwa is one of the many daughters of Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing.

Derwa Frey, would have been born in 248AC.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 3

Sister-In-Law: Walda Frey

Walda Frey is one of the many daughters of Walder Frey. As with the elder sister, Arwaya Frey, she was born shortly after her sister Arwaya Frey’s birth, in 247AC. (That also changes things drastically, as that would mean, Perra Royce didn’t die by the year specified.)

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 2

Sister-In-Law: Perriane Frey

She is the daughter of Lord Walder Frey, and Lady Perra Royce. And she is the youngest sibling of Aenys Frey, Emmon Frey, and Stevron Frey, who is the heir to the Frey Throne of The Crossing.

Perriane Frey, has elder brothers; Lord Stevron Frey~Deceased 299AC; Emmon Frey (New Lord Of House Frey); and Aenys Frey~Deceased 300AC.

Perriane Frey’ mother, Lord Walder’s 1st wife, Perra Royce, died in 236AC.

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 5 April 2019

Sister-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 1

Sistrer-In-Law: Arwaya Frey

Arwaya is one of the many daughters of Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing.

While it was thought that her younger sister, Perriane Frey, was the only sister to Lord Stevorn Frey (formerly and deceased) a new discovery has come to light. Based on the appearance of Arwaya Frey, she appear much older than Perriane Frey. Thus, it is figured, (though never documented) that Arwaya Frey was born in 244AC, just 1 year after Aenys Frey, who was born in 243AC.

Arwaya then, is the sister to deceased former Lord Stevron Frey, Emmon Frey, the current heir and lord to House Frey, and finally, Aenys Frey, while Perriane Frey, is the youngest born child of deceased 1st wife, Perra Royce. She is homely looking, but most likely ha…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 23

Brother-In-Law: Waldron Frey

When Catelyn Stark negotiates with Walder Frey to gain permission for her son Robb Stark and his army to pass the Twins, Walder demands that Arya Stark will marry his son Waldron. Catelyn and Robb accept his terms.[2]

He was most likely a bastard born Frey himself, and as an additional insult to House Stark, it was Lord Walder Frey’s intent, to blemish House Stark, by having King Robb’s agreement to his terms for crossing the river at that time, be made good. Thus, Arya Stark was to marry a bastard born Frey.

Waldron Frey was one of the many sons of Walder Frey and was formerly betrothed to Arya Stark, who later murdered his father and then, possibly, Waldron himself.[1] He most likely dies on or around 303AC, at …

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 22

Brother-In-Law: Elmar Frey:

Elmar Frey is a member of House Frey and is the youngest son of Lord Walder Frey.[2] Elmar is the twenty-second-born son of Walder and the fourth son born of Walder's marriage to Annara Farring.

Elmar Frey has 3 elder brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & current 7th wife, Annara Farring. Elmar Frey has 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Wendel Frey also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of whom are deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his 3rd Deceased wife, Ameri Crakehall; 2 Half-brothers By Lord Walder Frey and his 2nd Deceased wife, Cyrenna Swann; and 3 Half-brothers (1 …

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 21

Brother-In-Law: Waltyr Frey:

Waltyr Frey, called Tyr, is the twenty-first born son of Lord Walder Frey, the third son of his marriage to Annara Farring.[2] However rumor in the Twins is that Annara Farring was sleeping with Black Walder Frey making Waltyr's parentage dubious.

Waltyr is has 2 elder brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & 7th wife, Annara Farring. Waltyr Frey has 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Wendel Frey also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of whom are deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his 3rd Deceased wife, Ameri Crakehall; 2 Half-brothers By Lord Walder Frey and his 2nd Decease…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 20

Brother-In-Law: Colmar Frey:

Colmar Frey is the twentieth son of Lord Walder Frey, the second son born of his marriage to Annara Farring. However, the rumor at the Twins is that Annara Farring was sleeping with Black Walder Frey, making Colmar's parentage dubious.[2] Colmar is promised to the Faith.[3]

Colmar has an elder brother born of Lord Walder Frey & currently living 7th wife, Annara Farring. Colmar Frey has 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Wendel Frey also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of whom are deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his 3rd Deceased wife, Ameri Crakehall; 2 Half-brothers By Lord Walder Fr…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 19

Brother-In-Law:Wendel Frey:

Wendel Frey is the nineteenth son of Lord Walder Frey,the first son born of his marriage to Annara Farring. He is a page at Seagard.[2] Rumor at the Twins is that Annara slept with Black Walder Frey, making Wendel's parentage dubious.

Yet until such is proven of the rumors, for the House Of Frey records in geneology, Wendel Frey was born of Lord Walder Frey & his current living 7th wife, Annara Farring. He is actually, the 2nd born due to his eldest sibling, being his elder sister.

Wendel Frey has 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Wendel Frey also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of wh…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 18

Brother-In-Law: Olyvar Frey

Olyvar Frey was one of the many sons of Walder Frey, Lord of the Crossing, and was a squire to King Robb Stark.

Olyvar Frey is a member of House Frey. He is the eighteenth son of Lord Walder Frey, the fourth with his sixth wife, Bethany Rosby.[2] Young Olyvar is anxious[3] but loyal.[4][5]

Olyvvar Frey has 3 elder brothers (1 of whom is deceased), by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Olyvvar Frey also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of whom are deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his 3rd Deceased wife, Ameri Crakehall; 2 Half-brothers By Lord Walder Frey and his 2nd Deceased wife, Cyrenna Swann; and 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is dec…

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Dragonsphere4u Dragonsphere4u 1 April 2019

Brother-In-Law Of House Frey: Part 17

Brother-In-Law: Willamen Frey:

Willamen Frey is a maester of the Citadel in service at Longbow Hall to House Hunter.[2] He is the seventeenth son of Lord Walder Frey and the third son born in the marriage between Walder and Bethany Rosby. He took his vows in 298 AC.[3]

Benfrey has 2 elder brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 5th wife, Bethany Rosby. Benfry also has 3 Half-Brothers by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 4th wife, Alyssa Blackwood; 6 Half-brothers (2 of whom are deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his 3rd Deceased wife, Ameri Crakehall; 2 Half-brothers By Lord Walder Frey and his 2nd Deceased wife, Cyrenna Swann; and 3 Half-brothers (1 of whom is deceased) by Lord Walder Frey & his Deceased 1st wife, Perra Royce.

When Willamen Frey to…

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