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Game of Thrones fanon Wiki

This page, Battle of the Lion's Pass, is currently under construction. Please bear with the changes made by the author.

"Yes I destroyed the Reyne's after I destroyed Tarbeck Hall"
―Tywin Lannister on the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion

The Battle of the Lion's Pass was the only open field battle in the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion and ended in a clear Lannister Victory.


Sick of there vassals taking advantage of his House, Tywin not even warden of the west, got his brother and five-hundred knights to go castle to castle asking for the debt if the family could not pay back the loan with interest they would require a hostage, many gave a family member as they could not afford to pay back there debts.

But when a letter arrived at Tarbeck Hall, Lord Waldren Tarbeck went to Casterly Rock to try and resend Tywins command, but when he got there it wasn't Tytos waiting at the gates. Tywin threw him in the dungeons of Casterly Rock, the Reyne's and Tarbecks treated war and took a Lannister of Casterly Rock and two Lannister's of Lannisport.

Tytos was scared and
