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Game of Thrones fanon Wiki

This is a collection of all the scenes featuring Anthor Dayne in season 1. Please do not edit without User:DAKINGINDANORF's permission.


Game of Thrones: Season 1 appearances
Winter Is Coming The Kingsroad Lord Snow Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things The Wolf and the Lion
A Golden Crown You Win or You Die The Pointy End Baelor Fire and Blood

The Wolf and the Lion[]

Scene 1[]

[JAIME LANNISTER and ANTHOR DAYNE ride to meet with NED STARK and his household guard.]

JAIME: Such a small pack of wolves.

ANTHOR: Lord Stark. It's an honor to finally meet you. I've always wanted to meet the man who killed my brother in single combat. You must be quite a formidable soldier. I'm afraid I'm not here to express my praise for you, my Lord. Ser Jaime?

JORY: Stack back, Ser! This is the Hand of the King!

JAIME: Was the Hand of the King. Now I'm not sure what he is -- Lord of somewhere very far away.

LITTLEFINGER: What's the meaning of this, Lannister?

ANTHOR: Get back inside, now.

JAIME: I'm looking for my brother. You remember my brother, don't you, Lord Stark? Blond hair, sharp tongue, short man.

NED: I remember him well.

JAIME: It seems he had some trouble on the road. You wouldn't know what happened to him, would you?

NED: He was taken at my command to answer for his crimes.

[JAIME and ANTHOR draw their swords. JORY and NED's guards draws their swords, and the Lannister guards also draw their swords and point their spears. NED is the only one who hasn't drawn a weapon.]

LITTLEFINGER: My Lords! I'll bring the City Watch!

JAIME: Come, Stark, I'd rather you die sword in hand.

JORY: If you threaten my Lord again...

JAIME: Threaten? As in, I'm going to open your Lord from balls to brains and see what Starks are made of?

NED: You kill me, your brother's a dead man.

JAIME: You're right. Take him alive. Kill his men.

[A fight erupts, first JAIME’s men throw spears straight into the chests of two of NED’s men. ANTHOR DAYNE kills several Stark soldiers almost immediately, with a clear skill for swordsmanship. NED screams as he draws his sword and moves towards JAIME, fending off several guards in the process. JORY cuts down a few guards too, and gets to JAIME first. JAIME stabs JORY with a dagger straight through his eye. When NED sees this, he looks startled, and JAIME has a slight grin. The fighting ceases and NED moves forward to JAIME, fighting him with renewed vigor, spurned by the death of JORY. JAIME’s men all stop to watch the fight. The two fend each other off, as they break, one of JAIME’s guards stabs NED in the back of the leg with a spear, causing him to fall to the ground. JAIME is openly frustrated and knocks the guard out. He mounts his horse.]

JAIME: My brother, Lord Stark... We want him back.

[JAIME and ANTHOR DAYNE ride off on horseback, and the rest of JAIME's guards follow suit. NED collapses.]
